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Cognitive Behavioral Teraphy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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About Book

This book is a complete overview of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that is designed to achieve behavioral changes by correcting negative thought patterns and addressing cognitive distortions. CBT as a technique has been found to be widely effective for the treatment of various emotional and psychological issues and a wide-range of mental disorders. Thus, you will find the information in this book quite enlightening.

The book explains everything you need to know about CBT, including the basic concepts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, how it works and why it is so effective compared to other forms of psychotherapies. It is a complete guide to the Cognitive Behavioral Approach to solving mental health issues. You will find a detailed explanation of major CBT tools, techniques and methods and the basic structure of CBT sessions and how to get the best from them.

In this book, you will find scientific evidences for the effectiveness of CBT both from psycho-analysis and real life examples. It also contains entire chapters that explain in details the application of CBT in treating specific mental issues such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anger management and expression issues, phobias, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. It can serve as an handy guide for both therapist and patients or for individuals who are simply seeking more knowledge about CBT and other psychotherapies.


Cognitive Behavioral Teraphy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

0.00 out of 0 based on 1 customer rating

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Cognitive Behavioral Teraphy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

0.00 out of 0 based on 1 customer rating

About Book

This book is a complete overview of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that is designed to achieve behavioral changes by correcting negative thought patterns and addressing cognitive distortions. CBT as a technique has been found to be widely effective for the treatment of various emotional and psychological issues and a wide-range of mental disorders. Thus, you will find the information in this book quite enlightening.

The book explains everything you need to know about CBT, including the basic concepts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, how it works and why it is so effective compared to other forms of psychotherapies. It is a complete guide to the Cognitive Behavioral Approach to solving mental health issues. You will find a detailed explanation of major CBT tools, techniques and methods and the basic structure of CBT sessions and how to get the best from them.

In this book, you will find scientific evidences for the effectiveness of CBT both from psycho-analysis and real life examples. It also contains entire chapters that explain in details the application of CBT in treating specific mental issues such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anger management and expression issues, phobias, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. It can serve as an handy guide for both therapist and patients or for individuals who are simply seeking more knowledge about CBT and other psychotherapies.


Cognitive Behavioral Teraphy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

0.00 out of 0 based on 1 customer rating
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